PT ES EN +55 (11) 4409-0310




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Fiber Towers VTF 3 to 18

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Fiber Towers VTF 23 to 520

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Fiber Towers VTF 440 to 1370

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Pultruded Towers VTP 360 to 4280

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Concrete Towers SPECIAL VTC

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Fiber Towers VTF 1510 to 4280

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Towers for Vinasse VTV 32 to 216

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Benefícios das torres de resfriamento para processos industriais
Em ambientes industriais, a dissipação eficiente de calor é fundamental para garantir a continuidade operacional e a durabilidade dos equipamentos.
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Manutenção de torres de resfriamento: causas e soluções para entupimento dos enchimentos
Entenda como identificar causas e soluções para entupimento dos enchimento das torres de resfriamentos e garanta eficiência e durabilidade do sistema.
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Cuidados essenciais anti-incêndio nas torres de resfriamento Vettor
Descubra como a Vettor garante segurança contra incêndios em torres de resfriamento com práticas essenciais e confiáveis para proteger suas operações.
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7 inovações em torres de resfriamento para a indústria
A indústria vive um momento de profunda transformação, impulsionada por inovações tecnológicas...
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Relatório de transparência e igualdade salarial entre homens e mulheres Vettor 2024 (2º semestre)
Vettor divulga Relatório de Transparência Salarial e de Critérios Remuneratórios
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Case de sucesso: soluções em torres de resfriamento para a Usina São Martinho
No coração do agronegócio brasileiro, a Usina São Martinho se destaca como uma potência na produção de açúcar, etanol e energia...
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Torres de resfriamento personalizadas para indústrias: conheça a Vettor
Na Vettor, estamos comprometidos em ser o seu parceiro estratégico para o controle térmico eficiente em sua indústria.
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Construindo o futuro: conheça o compromisso da Vettor com ESG
Descubra como a Vettor aplica os conceitos de ESG no setor de torres de resfriamento
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Manutenção adequada das torres de resfriamento: crucial para a eficiência
A manutenção adequada das torres de resfriamento impulsiona a eficiência operacional, garantindo segurança...
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Relatório de transparência e igualdade salarial entre homens e mulheres Vettor 2024
Em cumprimento à Lei nº 14.611 de 04 de Julho de 2023, à Portaria MTE Nº 3.714 ao Decreto nº 11.795/2023, e também zelando...
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Como escolher o fabricante ideal de torres de resfriamento
Precisa de torres de resfriamento? Saiba como escolher o fabricante ideal. Dicas essenciais para obter equipamentos funcionais e de longa duração.
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Pultrudado nas Torres de Resfriamento da Indústria Sucroalcooleira
Conheça como o pultrudado é um material decisivo para as torres de resfriamento da indústria sucroalcooleira. Entenda a sua...
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Maintenance Case – Cylinders

The cylinders of the cooling towers are parts that receive the mechanical equipment, formed by the fan and the gear motor, which in turn are supported by the chassis. Maintaining its integrity is essential both to maintain cooling tower performance and to ensure there is no risk of accidents in the field.

Our maintenance case was carried out in our factory, where the client sent all the cylinders of the Ø6 meter diffusers - these were manufactured at the time by another manufacturer -, so that we could carry out the appraisal and maintenance of all of them. The workflow involved our Engineering, Quality, Plant Leadership, PCP and Board of Directors, so that all parties were aligned with the project and development was done in the best possible way. It took approximately 15 days to renew the parts.

All the assembly in the field was also carried out by our specialized team, which took all the precautions so that the work was carried out without delays and without accidents.

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Quality certified by Raízen!

Vettor Torres has the immense honor of communicating another of his achievements! At the end of 07/22 we received the #Raízen team in our factory, which audited all our administrative processes, manufacturing processes, quality of raw materials and finished materials in stock and, after all the analyses, granted us the supplier classification. level A, of the highest scale, with more than 91% approval! This result attests, once again, to the quality of our products and services and the technical capacity of our team. We thank everyone for your effort and we also thank Raízen for the visit and the opportunity for us to be able to attest once again to our capacity.

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Vettor: Towers for the largest turbine in Bolívia.

Vettor Torres was the company chosen to supply the Cooling Towers cells for the 60MW turbine that is being implemented in Ingênio Aguaí, in Bolivia. There will be a total of 5,500m³/h of water flow for cooling the turbine, where the towers will operate in uninterrupted work.

According to the turbine manufacturer, “the turbogenerator set will produce and supply energy from biomass for the daily processing of 15 thousand tons of sugarcane, 750 thousand liters of alcohol and 920 thousand kilograms of sugar. The maximum power of the turbine is close to 60 MW, with capacity to supply a city with almost 280 thousand inhabitants. ” (source: reproduction / internet).

The first battery of cooling towers is already scheduled to start on 05/18/2021, with an estimated forecast for the start of the second battery of cells in June/2021.

“Vettor has been experiencing a significant growth over the past 5 years and works continuously to retain its customers not only in Brazil but also abroad, and we are very honored to be able to supply more cooling tower cells to Ingênio Aguaí, who has trusted more once in our work and expertise, ”said Mariane Maure Garcia, Vettor's Business Coordinator.

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I need a tower, what now?

For a cooling tower budget, it is necessary to collect accurate information about the industrial process in which it will work.

There are several factors that need to be analyzed, for example:

·      The operational flow rate (in l/h or m³/h),

·      The temperatures of hot water (the one that will come out of your process), of cold water (the one that will return to your process), and also the TBU (wet bulb temperature) of the region where it will be installed,

·     What are the characteristics of the water (if it is clean, raw, with residues, etc.), if it is stillage, etc.

Why is it so important to know all the characteristics of the process?

There is no magic formula. The towers need to be dimensioned by their own programs for this, with skilled engineering and high technical knowledge of the product, because a poorly chosen filling, a temperature not considered or a poorly dimensioned component, will impact directly on the operation of the tower and may seriously damage the entire process.

Trust anyone who understands the subject!

Contact the VETTOR experts.

All necessary information will be collected and then an accurate budget will be prepared.

E-mail: | Phone: +55 (11) 4409-0310

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Reform or Recapacitate?

Industrial stoppages are a challenge, and it is not always possible to make them. 

In order to facilitate this process, VETTOR has performance tests allied to the technical capacity of its professionals, which in turn, help in the fast identification of problems, through accurate and real diagnosis of equipment conditions.

But how do you know whether to retire or recapacitate?

The reform becomes necessary when the components are damaged, either by lack of preventive maintenance or by changes in the industrial processes that impair the heat exchange, bearing in mind that the cold-water temperature necessary for the process is no longer being reached.

In the case of recapacitating, a study is made that recovers and maximizes the original performance conditions established in the project, and the necessary changes are made to the tower's structure so that it can meet this new process.

Whatever your need is, the team of highly experienced technicians and engineers will visit your plant, elaborating a special study and assessing the best way to serve you.

Don't let your industrial process be disrupted. Schedule a technical visit for evaluations and tests!

E-mail:  |  Telefone: +55 (11) 3284-6937

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What is a Cooling Tower?

Have you ever heard of Water-Cooling Tower?

Cooling towers are equipment’s used for cooling industrial water. 

In the great majority of industrial processes, there is a need to cool equipment and machinery that generate a certain amount of heat during operation.

The basic concept of a tower operation is the introduction of water in its upper part, through the input nozzle, distributing to the contact fill by means of nozzles or distribution nozzles.

At the same time, the fan installed on the top or side of the tower sucks or blows the air inside, transporting it to the fill, so that hot air contact with cold water occurs, thus promoting heat transfer.

In towers without a fill, cooling takes place directly through the contact of water with air, so that hot air comes out from the top of the tower and cold water is made available by the outlet nozzle installed in the cold-water basin.

Water cooling tower design requires technical knowledge of basic engineering principles, and requires practical applications of these principles, using materials and techniques suitable for each need, in order to obtain the best desired results. To achieve this, the basic components such as structure, fill, water distribution system, shutters, droplet eliminators, closure, platforms and fan cylinder (or diffuser) need to be properly designed to form an integral unit.

VETTOR tower manufacturing processes are ISO 9001 certified, guaranteeing high quality, and the company is also a member of CTI - Cooling Technology Institute, the U.S. body that regulates international standards for water cooling towers.

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We'll be at the FENASUCRO!

Did you know that in 2019 VETTOR is celebrating 15 years of participation in Fenasucro?

The fair will happen between the days 20th and 23th of august, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Zanini Event Center, in Sertãozinho/SP.

VETTOR invites all partners, suppliers and friends to make a visit to the stand, located on street D, in front of the main parking lot, honoring once again the company's captive presence in this important event.

And you who still don't know VETTOR, stop by the booth and talk to one of the technicians available, getting to know some products and clearing up all your doubts!

It will be a pleasure to welcome you!

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Vinasse Cooling Tower

Vinasse, also known as vinhoto, tiborna or restilo, is a residue that remains in the processes of the Sugar and Ethanol Plants, and according to studies, it has already been used on a large scale for other purposes, as a natural fertilizer, decreasing the use of chemical fertilizers and minimizing salinization and contamination of the water table.

The water released with vinasse reaches up to 95ºC, and needs to go through the cooling process in the towers of the VTV model, which are made precisely for this purpose, making not only the industrial processes of the Plants are attended, but also benefiting the environment.

Each customer's request is attended in a unique way, with the custom sizing according to the specific need, so that in some cases, technical visits are necessary to analyze the customer's plant and prepare the towers, including special details to increase durability and ensure the best performance.

Are you looking for a vinasse tower? 

Contact us now:

E-mail: | Phone: +55 (11) 4409-0310

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The 10th SIPAT was a success!

VETTOR promoted, in the week between the days 13/05/2019 and 17/05/2019, the 10th SIPAT (Internal Week of Prevention of Accidents at Work), giving lectures with the themes: Ergonomics, Accident with Hands and Motivation. In addition, there was an exclusive day for the awareness of sexually transmitted diseases, with the delivery of condoms and explicative folders.

Besides the lectures, there was a drawing competition for the children of the collaborators, whose theme was: "Preserving the Environment".

All the employees who participated competed for several prizes, and the winner of the elected sentence, which elucidated this edition, received a special award.

The event was a great success and was attended by over 90% of employees!

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Paraguayan Investments

With only 10 years of operation, INPASA is the largest producer of biofuels in Paraguay, producing 12 million liters of corn-based ethanol per month, and VETTOR is a partner in supplying large water-cooling towers to the plant located in the city of Nueva Esperanza. 

Recently, this important paraguayan client decided to invest in Brazil, by consolidating the second largest corn ethanol plant in the country, located in the state of Mato Grosso, with a production capacity of 1,4 million liters of ethanol per day, in addition to the production of protein for animal feed and corn oil. Once again, VETTOR was a key player in the supply of 7 VTF towers with  modular size of 110,0 m² per cell, structure in fiberglass and water basin in reinforced concrete, induced ventilation, fill grid type and droplet eliminator in PP, system of water distribution by pressure, with flow rate of more than 15 thousand m³ of water per hour, designed to measure, according to the specific need established and approved by the north-American biofuels technology company KATZEN.

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Agribusiness it is DNA

With 12 farms located in the center-west and southeast regions of the country, the VETTOR GROUP has invested in cattle breeding and the planting of sugarcane, corn and soybeans, seeing in brazilian agribusiness great growth potential.

While raising and cattle breeding occurs in the farms of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo, sugarcane planting is directed to the production of Santa Adélia Mill, in the units of Pereira Barreto and Sud Mennucci, in the countryside of São Paulo, and soy and corn planting, irrigated through a central pivot, is destined to supply the region of Sud Mennuci and adjacent cities. 

VETTOR AGRONEGÓCIOS has a trained and highly qualified team, optimizing each stage of the cultivation process, from the care of the soil to the use of excellent products without pesticides, guaranteeing the high yield of the harvest, in a sustainable way, delivering to the customers food with high quality standards.

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PVC tube its the next big thing!

The expressive and constant growth of VETTOR GROUP has allowed it to expand its operations to other activities, and VTR TUBOS is already a success in the race with the major brands in the pipe and connection market. 

When it comes to investing in new technologies for the improvement of the process of capturing, treating and distributing water and effluents, it is essential to evaluate the quality of the PVC pipes that are being used. 

The PVC pipes are extremely useful for the conduction of potable water in supply and distribution systems, in fire prevention and industrial use facilities, and in buried water supply systems, also serving for the transportation of sanitary sewage in collecting systems, building connections, condominium and interceptor systems, as well as in pumping and treatment stations, besides the conduction of effluents in pressurized systems of residential and industrial sewage, with booster systems and pressure requirements. But that's not all. PVC pipes, initially manufactured only for use in water cooling towers, have gained space, and currently there are major projects underway to produce new pipes for new purposes.

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1st Corn Ethanol Plant

Located in the State of Mato Grosso, FS BIOENERGIA is the first ethanol plant in Brazil that uses corn in 100% of its production, with 2 warehouses capable of storing up to 120 thousand tons, and an annual production capacity of 530 million liters of ethanol and 15 thousand tons of corn oil, providing more than 1,5 thousand jobs. 

VETTOR is proud to be able to participate in this great project implanted for the first time in the country, after being approved by the north-American biofuel technology company ICM, supplying 2 VTF towers with modular size of 9,1 m² per cell and 15 VTF towers with modular size of 36,0 m² per cell, both with fiberglass structure and reinforced concrete water basin, fans in the upper part of the equipment for the execution of the induced ventilation, fill type grid in PP, droplet eliminator in PVC, and system of water distribution by pressure, assembled and tested in accordance with the required production capacity, totalizing 288 m² of area for water cooling of the internal processes of the plant.

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Vettor and the Caribbean Rum

With 70 years of experience in the alcohol distillation industry, FLORIDA CARIBBEAN DISTILLERS is the largest producer of rum of Florida, producing more than 10 million gallons per year. Its bottling plant is located in Auburndale, its aging warehouse in Winter Haven, and its distillery units in Lake Alfred, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Costa Rica. 

VETTOR has already supplied several equipment for the units of this group, and recently made available 4 more VTF towers with modular size of 29,0 m² per cell, structure in pultruded profiles with fiberglass closing panels in the upper part to block the entrance of sunlight, minimizing the proliferation of algaes or agglutinations like the biolimo. The support chassi of the mechanical equipment was made of galvanized carbon steel, ensuring greater durability, installed in individual cold-water basins in reinforced concrete, in addition to counting on fills with the grid type in PP and the splash type in PVC, droplet eliminator in PP, water distribution system by pressure and induced ventilation.

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