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Air Conditioner
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Air Conditioner

Brazil is a tropical country with high temperatures during most of the year, and in places with a high concentration of people, such as shopping malls, hospitals, commercial enterprises and convention centers, airports, bus, train and subway stations, hotels, bank branches, supermarkets, schools and universities, among others, it is essential to install large refrigeration systems to provide greater thermal comfort to visitors, making the local more pleasant because of the cold air released in the climate-controlled environment, always considering air quality as a crucial factor.

The calculation of the thermal load determines the degree of heat that must be removed from an environment in order for it to reach the desired climatic condition, which may vary according to the volume of people present, the size of the refrigerated space and the level of solar exposure of the building.

VETTOR has been supplying large companies, providing water-cooling towers, designed to measure, for clients such as Heating Cooling, Servtec, Aeroporto Santos Dumont, Bourbon Shopping, Hospital das Clínicas, among others.