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I need a tower, what now?

For a cooling tower budget, it is necessary to collect accurate information about the industrial process in which it will work.

There are several factors that need to be analyzed, for example:

·      The operational flow rate (in l/h or m³/h),

·      The temperatures of hot water (the one that will come out of your process), of cold water (the one that will return to your process), and also the TBU (wet bulb temperature) of the region where it will be installed,

·     What are the characteristics of the water (if it is clean, raw, with residues, etc.), if it is stillage, etc.

Why is it so important to know all the characteristics of the process?

There is no magic formula. The towers need to be dimensioned by their own programs for this, with skilled engineering and high technical knowledge of the product, because a poorly chosen filling, a temperature not considered or a poorly dimensioned component, will impact directly on the operation of the tower and may seriously damage the entire process.

Trust anyone who understands the subject!

Contact the VETTOR experts.

All necessary information will be collected and then an accurate budget will be prepared.

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