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Sugar and Ethanol
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Sugar and Ethanol

The sugarcane mill is the agro-industrial sector specialized in the transformation of sugarcane into alcohol or sugar, as well as derivatives such as brandy, molasses, rum, sugarcane juice and rapadura.

Present in the country since the Portuguese colonization in the year 1.500, sugarcane is an important socioeconomic pillar, responsible for the development and projection of national agricultural activity, giving to Brazil a prominent position as the world's largest producer, with around 650 million tons processed per year, referring to the energy agroindustry due to the renewable potential of biofuels such as ethanol, in addition to the electricity generation and, to a smaller scale, the biogas, using second-generation technologies that take advantage of sugarcane bagasse and straw as a complement.

VETTOR has served large sugar and ethanol plants, providing water-cooling towers, designed to measure, for clients such as Adecoagro, Raízen, Biosev, Pedra Agroindustrial, Usina Colombo Açúcar Caravelas, FS Bioenergia, Cofco International, Inpasa Del Paraguay, Usina Coruripe, Usina Bazan, Glencane, Usina Santa Adélia, among others.