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From the beginning of its existence, VETTOR supports in its fundamental pillars thevaluation of the human being, positioning itself as a socially responsible company.

Its leaders actively participates in solidarity initiatives, assisting some needy entities in the city of Cabreúva, and in the last decades, several actions had the support and collaboration of the company, such as the “Donate Milk, Donate Life Campaign” promoted by the LAR CRISTÃO DE ASSISTÊNCIA A MENORES DE CABREÚVA, a non-governmental institution that believes in the potential of human beings and is committed to building a fairer city, and the “Solidarity Campaign” promoted by the FUNDO SOCIAL DE SOLIDARIEDADE DE CABREÚVA, public sector agency linked to the Cabreúva City Hall, whose main goal is to mobilize the community, through campaigns, partnerships and events, aiming the improvement of the quality of life of the city population.

VETTOR has accomplished its mission, making a difference in the local community and benefiting countless families.